Friday, August 29, 2008

A Requiem for the Crushed

This morning while bringing stuff to the car I stepped on a snail.

I hate that sound. To me if there’s a sound that is the audible meaning of the word guilt it’s the crunching sound of a snail. They’re small. They’re helpless. They can’t get out of the way. They see you coming from ten minutes away and they spend that then minutes trying to get the hell out of your way. But they can’t. They’re snails and they move slowly.

I’m sorry snail. These are my words to commemorate your passing:

A Requiem for the Crushed

This morning came early, too early by far;
6am found me bringing stuff out to the car.
Two bags I brought out, each with a lunch
But when I stepped back, I heard a crunch.

I grimaced in grief and grew slightly pale
For you see what I’d done was stepped on a snail.
On that very sound is my poor conscience built
For that sound alone is the sound of guilt.

The life of a snail seems not a great thing,
No Edda's composed, no ballads we sing;
They’re small and ill coloured, like a suit of Herb Tarlek’s,
They’ve the misfortune to taste good in butter and garlic.

But these little critters are innocuous to a fault
No harm and no foul, that’s their gestalt.
They crawl through life slowly, but they do get there
Wherever that is (But I’m sure that it’s there).

Oh snail! I am sorry my foot found your shell!
Now my mind burns in some Dante like Hell;
“How was I to know?” I rationalize
But I can imagine the look in your eyes

As my foot came down and you yelled out: “Noooooo!”
But I could not hear: the decibel s were too low.
Yet I heard the crunch and I knew what it meant;
One snail life snuffed out, one snail dream spent.

I hope now you rest in some snail release:
Where all of your crawl paths are lined with grease
And you can get up to twelve mines an hour;
The power to save yourself, you need that power.


Unknown said...

You are SO right about the sound of guilt!
What is an Edda?

Unknown said...

It's epic poetry, Norse style. The Viking Illiad as it were.

Evil Dingo said...

You get 10 points for a WKRP reference.

This brings your score back up to a 0.0.

So much for putting money back in the Karma Bank, killer.

Unknown said...

I thought you'd like that - as you are the reason those rumours of a real life Les Nessman "walking among us" exist.

What's really funny is that one of my coworkers came in this morning wearing a Herb Tarlek type jacket - it was hilarious. I google imaged a pic and sent it to him. He laughed.

And took off the jacket.

Evil Dingo said...

Ha, too funny!

Downside -- yet another withdrawal from the Karma bank. Keep it up and you're going to be reincarnated as a snail that lives in a clumsy asshole's carport.

Unknown said...

What are you talking about... you don't have a carport.

Evil Dingo said...

Oh, the cosmic irony of that would be delightful! Think of it -- you come back and I get to crush you like a bug! Wheeee!

Unknown said...

You realize, that by admitting that it would be irony if you squash me like a bug, you are in fact admitting my superiority right?