Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Eye Eye Eye! (Ahoy oi there!)

If I’m well enough to work, I’m well enough to blog, though whether or not I’m well enough to work is a debatable point. Nevertheless, here I be.

It’s been pretty close to a month since my last post saying I couldn’t really read enough to blog, and that’s sort of mind bloggling (it’s blog related ergo bloggling). When you’re sitting in the dark in the house watching American Justice and too much Cold Case Files time flows together and I’m only now coming back into a world where I have to keep track of such a mundane thing as: the date.

For those of you that don’t know, I had a flare up of my Iritis, which is an inflammation or swelling of the iris of the eye (though I still think it sounds like the Latin verb ‘to write” (conjugate: I writus (I write), I wrotus (I wrote). It’s painful. The pain is tolerable. The vision is the problem.

At first it goes blurry and reacts badly to sunlight. Then you start treating it with a steroid drop and it goes blurrier and you start to see spots. Then when the steroids don’t work from drops, you get the joy of having a needle in the eye (more on that in a sec) and there are more spots, and then when you’re “better” you still have a lot of spots and now some mini “blind” spots (ha! Accidentally wrote mini bling spots… little dollar sign floaters)

The Needle: Initially when the iritis flared up I thought I was going to have to get a needle right away, and I was ready for it. But after the first appointment turned out to be needle free I thought I might get off the hook. 2nd appointment however proved me wrong. The needle in the eye is uncomfortable (they freeze it first so its not, you know, like tortuous) but even worse than that in my opinion is the 2 minute window between the time when Herr Doc says: “I need to schteek a needle inkz your eye” to the point where he comes back with it. That’s one of those situations where the mind runs at a frantic pace in all directions at once.

Blog may not make much sense, but it first one after long time. Gimme break.

Observations on Life: Anything you need to know about life you can learn from The Wiggles. In one episode alone I learned about levering AND that’s its possible to come wash your face in a frying pan and comb your hair with a wagon wheel.

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